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Post — Health and Wellness


FDA Nutrition Label: Here’s What’s Changing in 2021

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

It’s hard to imagine grocery shopping without a Nutrition Facts label. Any health-conscious shopper would agree that part of the grocery shopping process is grabbing a product from the shelf, flipping it around, and taking a look at some combination of the calories, fat content and ingredients. This nutrition label we have come to know and depend on is getting an upgrade with new regulations and improved standards of daily intake recommendations. The History of the Nutrition Label Nutrition labels were introduced by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in 1973 but weren’t legally required until 1993. Before that, there...

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7 Changes You Can Make Today For Sustained Health

Posted by Whitney Stuart on

Spring isn’t the only season to spend time cleaning up – and we’re aren’t just talking about your closet. Your daily routine and dedication to balanced self-care is just as important. Although a weekly pedicure doesn’t hurt, self-care truly starts from within! Here you’ll find a dietitian’s favorite realistic routines- not restrictive resolutions – that can become lifelong beneficial resources as they evolve into habits. Pick one, love on yourself, and thrive! 7 Sustainable Health Changes To Make Today Start your day with a morning walk around the park Instead of: Starting your day busting out emails The 24 hour...

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How Much Protein Do You Actually Need in Your Protein Bar? We Did The Research For You

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

Protein: we’re all crazy about it. The fact of the matter is, if you’re a health-conscious person who cares about eating clean and healthy, then protein is likely something that you give a lot of attention. Though we live in a world with a new diet or meal plan hitting the scene almost every week (eat this, not that! Carbs are the enemy—no wait, they’re great! Fat is bad, no wait, it’s fine!) protein, particularly protein bars, never seems to go out of style. Protein Bars: Our Easy & Favorite Way To Eat Protein You don’t have to chat with...

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2019 Perfect Predictions: A Complete List Of This Year's Buzzing Health Trends

Posted by Cat Canada on

With 2019 underway, there are still 50 weeks left for health and wellness trends to unfold and yearly intentions to be re-written again and again. Whether you’re one to make resolutions or defy the need to make any drastic changes on Jan 1, the new year is always a fun time to reflect on highs and lows of the past year and predict what cream (dairy-free, of course) will rise to the top as the hottest food trend of the next 12 months. So we present to you our Perfect Predictions – our complete list of the 2019 health trends....

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Brain Food: Be More Productive at Work with High-Fat, Protein-Packed Snacks

Posted by Nick Mistretta on

It’s a Wednesday afternoon and your brain feels like it just skipped town. Problem is, you’ve still got three hours of work to do. Work that is dependent on using your head for more than a hat-rack. So, the question is: What are you going to do about it? When you think of workplace productivity tools, you likely don’t think of brain food. But since food is fuel, and fuel is what you need in the dog days of Wednesday afternoons, or any afternoon, maybe you should. Eat More Fat to Fuel Your Brain & Increase Daily Productivity When it...

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