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Post — Goal Setting


How I Achieved My Resolutions By Doing Less

Posted by Shopify API on

Is it even a New Year’s resolution if you haven’t broken or forgotten about it by February? If you’re anything like me – and 90% of the human race – resolutions don’t always make it 365 days. And you know what? That’s okay! You’re a human, not a failure. Forgive yourself immediately and get back in the ring. 2018 is far from over and everyone knows January is a trial month. Long before I woke up at 5:30am for a workout or eagerly gulped down green juice in the morning, I was trying to create a healthy routine that would...

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How To Create Sustainable Resolutions This Year

Posted by Julia Sparkman on

I know I am not the only one who has fallen short of achieving a well-intended New Year’s resolution. By March I am often burned out, distracted and moving on from what I swore would be a life-changing commitment. Discouraged from this 3-month pattern of let down, I decided to finally make a change and not only make more sustainable resolutions, but also any life goals throughout the year. So with years of personal experience to pull from, some extensive self-reflection and a few (okay, many!) self-help books, I discovered the behavior that was holding me back. When I was...

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