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Post — Healthy Nutrition


Infographic: Sugar, It's Sweeter Than You Think

Posted by Cat Canada on

Is sugar bad for you, or does sugar get a bad rap? We’re here to tell you that it’s okay to sweeten up! We’re asked about sugar all the time, so we want to get to the bottom of the sugar myth once and for all. Simply, when you choose clean, whole food ingredients – like honey and fruit – there’s nothing to fear. The source from which your sugar is derived seems to be what all the sticky confusion is about with the underlying question: Can sugar and health co-exist? Well, we have some answers for you. Check out...

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The Natural Detox Guide: 11 Most Powerful Detoxifying Foods

Posted by Shopify API on

You heard it here first, juice cleansing is out, natural detoxing is in. Okay, that’s not true. I’ve got nothing against a good juice cleanse! After all, green juice is the official spokesperson of the superfoods. But after overindulging in February, the month of “self-love,” my goal is to say goodbye to all the bad stuff residing in my body. There’s something people don’t always advertise about detoxes. They don’t have to be expensive. You don’t need to buy a detox kit. A natural detox can be as fancy or as simple as you want. Need some inspiration? Try adding...

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The Health Benefits of Magnesium, the Forgotten Electrolyte

Posted by Amanda Mercer on

Magnesium, or Mg, is one of those elements that seems to be forgotten. In chemistry, it’s used as a catalyst for chemical reactions. In nature, it’s the eighth most abundant element. In the human body, magnesium is an electrolyte and helps maintain quality health. But unlike sodium and potassium, the more popular electrolytes, magnesium is rarely talked about. Not today though. We are going to talk about the many health benefits of magnesium and how to get more of it into your daily diet. Magnesium affects most of the major functions of the body like energy production, nerve impulse conduction,...

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The War on Fat: The Cause, Aftermath and Reparations

Posted by Michelle Azizi on

“Is butter a carb?” asked Regina George haplessly trying to lose weight while her track pants were all that fit her in that famous scene from Mean Girls. For as long as we can remember, butter and other saturated fats have been viewed as the direct cause of heart disease. This medical mainstay was questioned recently when a number of studies revealed that saturated fat is perhaps not the outright killer we thought it was. Has Paula Dean been right all this time? Can we guiltlessly luxuriate in butter, red meat, and full-fat dairy? Has the ongoing war on fat...

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How A Plant-Based Diet Works For Me

Posted by Shopify API on

Before we even dive into my eating habits I need to take a second (or ten) to shed some much-needed light on the following “this is how I eat” blog post. First and foremost, please know that this post is all about my journey through the food jungle and how I choose to eat on the other side. Its purpose is to inspire you to explore your own nutrition choices and remind you that to define ‘plant-based’ is sort of up to you, sort of not. I promise to be less ambiguous as we continue. So, let’s get to the...

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