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Post — Keith Family


Q&A with Bill and Leigh Keith Celebrating 16 Years

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

A sweet 16 celebration is underway at Perfect Snacks. No flashy cards or entrance songs, but instead lots of peanut butter and reflection on what made a refrigerated protein bar company make it sixteen years later. We caught up with our founders Bill Keith, CEO and his sister Leigh Keith, President, to share some of the biggest lessons they’ve learned and reminisce on the early days. Here’s to a very sweet Perfect Snacks birthday. 16 Years and 16 Questions: A Perfect Snacks Birthday Q & A 1. What were you doing/where were you 16 years ago? Bill: On Ebay looking...

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The Family Behind The Brand

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

The Keith’s are a family on a mission At the helm of the nutty operation at Perfect Snacks is our family — the Keiths. We were brought up unlike other kids and gambled it all on the unconventional idea of putting a protein bar in the fridge to show for it. We learned early on the importance of whole foods, family and believing in yourself. And here we are today, nearly two decades later, with an ever-growing product line of refrigerated protein snacks that can be found in more than 35,000 stores nationwide. To say it’s been a wild ride...

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