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The Family Behind The Brand

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

The Keith’s are a family on a mission

At the helm of the nutty operation at Perfect Snacks is our family — the Keiths. We were brought up unlike other kids and gambled it all on the unconventional idea of putting a protein bar in the fridge to show for it. We learned early on the importance of whole foods, family and believing in yourself. And here we are today, nearly two decades later, with an ever-growing product line of refrigerated protein snacks that can be found in more than 35,000 stores nationwide. To say it’s been a wild ride is an understatement, but one we will always treasure for all of its wins and lessons along the way.

Here’s our story.

The Road To The Refrigerator

Hitting the road

Where It All Began

Our dad Bud Keith was a pioneer in health food before most folks had ever heard of ‘health food.’ He worked to create his own line of whole food supplements, proteins and omega oils to aid in the nutrition typically lacking in daily diets. His passions led him to open Healthouse, the first gym and juice bar in San Diego, California, right on the boardwalk of Mission Beach.

Hitting the Road In The 80s

Mom, Dad, and us kids lived and traveled by motorhome as Dad toured the country lecturing on the value of whole food nutrition. From auditoriums to living rooms, we grew up learning about health, wellness and the importance of fresh food.

Dad always tinkered with recipes that would keep our king-size family well-fed while on the go, because, as kids, we didn’t like taking our whole food supplements. One day, he ground up a serving of his superfood supplements, mixed them with freshly-ground organic peanut butter, honey and his blend of whole food protein, took one bite and declared, “It’s Perfect!”—and the Perfect Bar recipe was born.

Growing The Keith Family Kitchen In The 90s

We made and sold Perfect Bar the way other kids sold lemonade. We bought ingredients from local markets, mixed and rolled each small batch in Mom’s kitchen and sold them to just about anyone who’d buy them.

Perfect Bar, The Brand, Is Born

When our dad became very ill with skin cancer, our family had grown to 13 kids. With nine younger ones still at home, we knew we had to find a way to provide for the family. So the oldest siblings came together to gamble it all and turn Dad’s refrigerated protein bar recipe into a business.

Perfect Snacks Today

Our dad has since passed, but his spirit lives on not only in the bars we make, but also in our brand principles: That food has to be real, quality (and taste) should never be compromised and family is everything.

perfect snacks company photo

We are proud of the business we’ve built. From only a few refrigerated protein bar flavors when we started to now a full lineup of Perfect Bar, Refrigerated Peanut Butter Cups and Snack Size bars, we’re humbled at where this brand has grown. Our family extends well beyond the Keith’s now and includes every single person who works at Perfect Snacks in San Diego and beyond and every single person or family who trust us enough to bring our products into their home.

Thank you for allowing us to be part of your lives. We know you make ours a little more perfect!

Watch the full story