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Post — Yoga


Try This Easy Yoga Flow To Find Balance In The New Year

Posted by Alyssa Moeller on

Even when the holiday stress is over, it can still take awhile to decompress. And with the new year ringing in, it is important to allow yourself some quality me-time; so give yourself space to unwind and settle into a new routine this year with this simple, do-anywhere yoga flow. Namaste! Warm Up Child’s Pose Start at the back of the mat with your knees wide, hips to your feet, and big toes to touch. Walk your hands forward until you feel a stretch in your shoulders. Rest your forehead on the mat and press your chest down. Take a...

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Journey Inward

Posted by Jessica Windell on

The Perfect Bar team invites you to join us as we ‘Journey Inward’ with renowned yogi and studio owner Kelly Metcalf on November 14th-16th for a weekend-long retreat in celebration of her Harmony House Yoga’s 5-year anniversary located in Pismo Beach, CA. Kelly’s teachings remind us that yoga is not just a physical practice, but rather a unique opportunity to create an authentic connection with nature, ourselves, and those around us. Friday evening launches with an intimate community gathering and delicious dinner catered by Chef Christi Rivera, owner of Honeymoon Café. She’ll be working with local farmers and winemakers to...

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