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Post — Wholesale


Brain Food: Be More Productive at Work with High-Fat, Protein-Packed Snacks

Posted by Nick Mistretta on

It’s a Wednesday afternoon and your brain feels like it just skipped town. Problem is, you’ve still got three hours of work to do. Work that is dependent on using your head for more than a hat-rack. So, the question is: What are you going to do about it? When you think of workplace productivity tools, you likely don’t think of brain food. But since food is fuel, and fuel is what you need in the dog days of Wednesday afternoons, or any afternoon, maybe you should. Eat More Fat to Fuel Your Brain & Increase Daily Productivity When it...

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4 Ways Perfect Bar Fits Into Your Fridge Biz

Posted by Dustin Canada on

Having a successful wholesale business can be challenging. There’s ordering, merchandising, promoting and pricing that all need to be taken into consideration, never mind aligning with brands and products your employees and clientele will love. As the Original Refrigerated Protein Bar, we know a thing or two about running a fruitful fridge biz. Here are four reasons why Perfect Bar can make your fridge business a little cooler: We Pair Well With Others Perfect Bar is a complimentary item in your fridge, meaning it pairs well with other fridge items like water, kombucha, or coffee. Instead of offering multiple competitive...

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