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Post — Health and Wellness


Your Guide To Intuitive Eating

Posted by Shanna Hutcheson on

Intuitive eating is designed to inspire a healthy relationship with body, self and food by empowering you to feel what your body needs and create a more intimate relationship with your physical self — inside and out. Imagine what your life might look like if you decided to accept your body and eat freely, without food rules and restrictions. Understanding Intuitive Eating: What It Is and What It Is Not The concept of Intuitive Eating (IE) is definitely not “new,” as the original Intuitive Eating book was published back in 1995, however, it has recently started gaining traction in the...

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5 Steps to Maintain Mindful Eating Habits When Working from Home

Posted by Tracy Ring on

Working from home offers many awesome benefits—hello, pants optional! Corporate America, too, is catching on to the awesomeness that is working remote which is changing the workforce landscape for the first time in generations. As of 2017, 3.9 million Americans worked remote at least some of the time, according to a recent study. With all the obvious upsides, there is one piece of remote work that can be a struggle: maintaining mindful eating habits throughout the day. When working from home, access to the fridge, isolation, and boredom can all lead to wonky eating habits that otherwise would be a...

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The Natural Detox Guide: 11 Most Powerful Detoxifying Foods

Posted by Shopify API on

You heard it here first, juice cleansing is out, natural detoxing is in. Okay, that’s not true. I’ve got nothing against a good juice cleanse! After all, green juice is the official spokesperson of the superfoods. But after overindulging in February, the month of “self-love,” my goal is to say goodbye to all the bad stuff residing in my body. There’s something people don’t always advertise about detoxes. They don’t have to be expensive. You don’t need to buy a detox kit. A natural detox can be as fancy or as simple as you want. Need some inspiration? Try adding...

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How CrossFit Changed My Life For The Better

Posted by Adam Tar on

It’s high-competition time for all of our CrossFitting friends. The circuit training phenomenon has a global following and committed advocates. It’s as addicting as it is confusing for those who don’t know the vernacular– box means gym and WOD means workout of the day! But here at Perfect Bar, we want to give CrossFit all the love it deserves, so we met up with Adam Tar, Owner and Head Coach of CrossFit North Port, Fl. to share why he fell in love with CrossFit. —– CrossFit has brought so many beautiful things to my life. It has created lifelong friendships,...

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What Are Antioxidants and Why Do You Need Them?

Posted by Brittney Gingrich on

When you hear that a food is filled with antioxidants you assume it’s healthy for you, right? But could you say why? Antioxidants are found in everyday foods like berries, tomatoes and chia seeds and pack a major punch for your overall health. An antioxidant is a compound that aids in repairing cell damage. Damage, of which, may be caused by a slew of factors including exposure to sun, toxins and for today’s lesson – nasty free radicals. The term ‘free radicals’ sounds like something born in the summer of love era, but by definition, a free radical is, “an...

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