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Post — Wellbeing


My Husband Has Type 1 Diabetes, Here's What That Means For My Family

Posted by Katrina Pilkington on

I’m a Type 3 Wife. That means my husband has Type 1 Diabetes. I am his biggest advocate and support. He’s my inspiration to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle so that we can be our best for our daughter and lead by example. Throughout our almost 8 years together, I’ve learned a thing or two about being a good partner to someone with Type 1 Diabetes. Knowledge of Type 1 was paramount along with me understanding signals and signs for low and high blood sugars. It’s taboo to think that just because someone is diabetic means they have to...

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How to Dye Your Eggs From Items In Your Fridge

Posted by Katie Oberwager on

Spring cleaning and spring chickens combine for this easy recipe to naturally dye eggs! Keep artificial coloring and toxins away from your house, kids and eggs alike. Plus, no need to run to the store to bring the rainbow to life with this recipe, you only need items fro your fridge or pantry. Ingredients 6-12 white eggs Directions Hard boil eggs by placing them in a pot and cover with completely with cold water. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then cover, remove from the heat and set aside 8 to 10 minutes. Drain, rinse under cold water and...

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The Natural Detox Guide: 11 Most Powerful Detoxifying Foods

Posted by Shopify API on

You heard it here first, juice cleansing is out, natural detoxing is in. Okay, that’s not true. I’ve got nothing against a good juice cleanse! After all, green juice is the official spokesperson of the superfoods. But after overindulging in February, the month of “self-love,” my goal is to say goodbye to all the bad stuff residing in my body. There’s something people don’t always advertise about detoxes. They don’t have to be expensive. You don’t need to buy a detox kit. A natural detox can be as fancy or as simple as you want. Need some inspiration? Try adding...

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What Are Antioxidants and Why Do You Need Them?

Posted by Brittney Gingrich on

When you hear that a food is filled with antioxidants you assume it’s healthy for you, right? But could you say why? Antioxidants are found in everyday foods like berries, tomatoes and chia seeds and pack a major punch for your overall health. An antioxidant is a compound that aids in repairing cell damage. Damage, of which, may be caused by a slew of factors including exposure to sun, toxins and for today’s lesson – nasty free radicals. The term ‘free radicals’ sounds like something born in the summer of love era, but by definition, a free radical is, “an...

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The Health Benefits of Magnesium, the Forgotten Electrolyte

Posted by Amanda Mercer on

Magnesium, or Mg, is one of those elements that seems to be forgotten. In chemistry, it’s used as a catalyst for chemical reactions. In nature, it’s the eighth most abundant element. In the human body, magnesium is an electrolyte and helps maintain quality health. But unlike sodium and potassium, the more popular electrolytes, magnesium is rarely talked about. Not today though. We are going to talk about the many health benefits of magnesium and how to get more of it into your daily diet. Magnesium affects most of the major functions of the body like energy production, nerve impulse conduction,...

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