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Post — nutrition


What Are the Best Sources of Protein?

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

What are the best sources of protein? The short answer is … it depends. We know, we know! It might be easier if there was a plain-and-simple answer, but there isn’t. Here’s why: What’s best for you really depends on your own nutritional needs and health goals. A list of the best sources of protein may differ from one person to another. Here’s what we mean: An omnivore trying to manage their weight might look to lean animal protein sources like fish. A family eating on a budget would find legumes and lean red meat to be affordable options. Someone...

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4 Whole Food Proteins To Add To Your Diet Today

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

Whole foods. Real ingredients. All natural. What do these terms have in common? Well, these well-intentioned yet ambiguous buzzwords have been circulating the health and wellness scene in recent years. And if you’re into healthy eating and have ever wondered what they actually mean, you’re in good company! On the surface, they convey a general sense of health, but beyond that, things get a little fuzzy. I mean, what are whole foods exactly? As opposed to unwhole foods? When it comes to one of the most vital macronutrients, protein, there is an increasing emphasis on getting whole protein in one’s...

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How to Add More Whole Food Protein to Your Diet And Why It Matters

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

What makes one protein better than another? And what exactly constitutes a “whole food protein”? Valid questions. As a whole food protein bar company, we herald the superiority of more food-based sources of protein (rather than isolates), but it’s hard to say for sure what is better or worse for you. Of course, we have our bias but we wanted to break it down for you and let you decide what is best for your body, diet, and lifestyle. A Study Into Whole Food Protein Whole foods, real ingredients, unprocessed. What do they have in common? They’re some of the...

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How Much Protein Do You Actually Need in Your Protein Bar? We Did The Research For You

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

Protein: we’re all crazy about it. The fact of the matter is, if you’re a health-conscious person who cares about eating clean and healthy, then protein is likely something that you give a lot of attention. Though we live in a world with a new diet or meal plan hitting the scene almost every week (eat this, not that! Carbs are the enemy—no wait, they’re great! Fat is bad, no wait, it’s fine!) protein, particularly protein bars, never seems to go out of style. Protein Bars: Our Easy & Favorite Way To Eat Protein You don’t have to chat with...

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Can Cashew Butter Overthrow Peanut or Almond Butter as the New Favorite Nut Butter?

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

As part of our 2019 Perfect Predictions, we asked our health and wellness trend-spotters and followers to share what they thought would be the hottest trends in food, beauty, and movement in the coming year. The polls went out and results came in: Cashew butter will be the better butter this year. Or, at the very least, it will rise in popularity and be a more consistent contender for the coveted spot of best nut butter! Cashew Butter — The Next Best Butter Did you know that during the Cold War, cashew butter was actually rationed out in the U.S....

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