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Post — 2019 Perfect Predictions


Get To Know Ginger: Why This Spice Has Always Been Our Favorite and Is Having A Moment

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

We’ve all known ginger for a while, but it wasn’t until recently that we learned to herald this spice for its true greatness. Now, store shelves are complete with ginger teas, carrot-ginger soups, and ginger-teriyaki marinades. The ginger wave has hit and we couldn’t be happier. The Spice Heating Up Menus & Medicine Cabinets This Year While the universe is just now starting to celebrate the unique flavor nuances of ginger, it’s long history dates back to our ancestors. Instead of flavoring holiday cookies, early humans implemented ginger in a wide array of medicinal uses. Get to know ginger and...

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Chickpeas: The Versatile Ingredient Of The Year

Posted by MacKenzie Hartung on

As part of our 2019 Perfect Predictions, we asked our health and wellness trend-spotters and followers to share what they thought would be the hottest trends in food, beauty, and movement in the coming year. As we all know, fresh food has a special place in our hearts, but so does healthy snacking on the go, so a solid versatile veggie or ingredient is a must. This year, as predicted, you can expect to see chickpeas showing up as a protein-rich, gluten-free alternative, substitute and star on menus everywhere, including your home. Chickpeas: The Legumes With The Leg Up Chickpeas,...

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Adaptogens: The Natural Trend in Stress Management

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

Work, family, traffic, the six o’clock news…you name it, there is stress in every aspect of life. And the pace and demand of careers and culture have placed even more pressure on us to react and perform, leaving very little room for us to stop and take care of ourselves. Stress is the most commonly experienced and potentially life-threatening condition that we encounter today. Historically, our society has not acknowledged stress as a chronic condition, with people ignoring its effects often until it’s too late. But we are getting smarter about stress; what it is, how it presents itself, how...

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