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How To Practice Self-Love In 5 Steps

Posted by Alyssa Moeller on

We hear the phrase “practice self-love” thrown around quite a bit, especially this month. While most of us know it’s important to care for ourselves, the execution can be lost. You’re probably already practicing some type of self-care without even realizing it. Do you have a nighttime routine you look forward to each day? Or maybe you give yourself a 10-minute break at that 3 pm slump. Or maybe still, you indulge in a 90-minute yoga flow every Wednesday night that is all about you and your breath. These are all lovely examples of this year’s hottest wellness trend – self-love!

Want to bring more deliberate moments of self-love into your week? Ask yourself these 5 questions to discover what your best self-love regimen should look like:

What are three things that I enjoy?

It’s important to differentiate between short and long-term happiness. While chocolate makes me happy for a few minutes, a sweaty yoga class makes me happy for a few days. What does that look like for you? It could be exercise, journaling, knitting, art, or countless other options. Consider the activities you do purely for you.

What does self-love feel like?

What are all of the feelings you experience after an activity you enjoy? Yoga makes me feel happy, strong and calm because each class provides an opportunity to address and work through my mental or physical blocks. Time spent intentionally connecting my mind and body is an instant mood booster. Which act of self-love leaves your mind and body in a grounded, supported state?

“When I don’t do ___, I feel ___.”

Similarly, but adversely, notice when you don’t practice self-love routines, how do you feel? If you make a pattern doing what you love, it becomes apparent when you slip out of routine. Over the years, I’ve learned that skipping several days of yoga makes me feel pretty off-balanced. Yoga has become my space to unwind, process life events and burn through stored energy. Without it, I become irritated, anxious and indecisive. When you uncover the emotions that arise each day, it helps to identify when “me” time is necessary.

What kind of and how often do self-love routines make me most centered?

Determine how much time is needed for your personal wellbeing. Meaning, is it just one morning walk that sustains you for the week; or is it a daily walk you need? This varies from person to person, so it may need a little discovery. Listen to cues from your mind and body to determine a flow to best suit your lifestyle.

What changes do I need to make to regularly incorporate this into my life?

Adjust work hours, schedule it on your calendar or ask loved ones for an hour of solitude. Make an effort to set aside time for yourself each week.

One of the biggest challenges I’ve discovered when it comes to self-love is the guilt associated with it, but there’s no reason for it! To ease your mind, here are a few tips:

You Are NOT Being Selfish

We’ve all heard it before, you can’t fill from an empty cup. With work, families, health, and friends… life can easily become one big juggling act. Take the time to build your stable foundation.

Be Gentle With Yourself

Not every day has to be your best piece of art or strenuous workout. Sometimes, self-care involves watching your favorite tv show in peace or enjoying some of that chocolate! Moderation is essential.

Your Self-Care Routine Can Change

What you enjoy now may not be what you enjoy always. If something no longer fits, mix it up! It doesn’t matter what you do, so long as it’s giving you the necessary outlet to recharge.

Give yourself exactly what you need! No matter your relationship status, there’s one thing we all can agree on: self-love is the best love.