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A More Perfect Q & A with Danielle Pascente @daniellepascente: Personal Trainer and Perfect Bar Lover

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Everyone’s health journey is their own, and whether you’re still climbing over the hurdles or smooth-sailing across the finish line, it is a process of progress over perfection. Just ask Danielle Pascente, personal trainer, fitness model to Perfect Bar fan, who found her way to personal training through injury. From 30-day challenges to feel-good inspiration, she really does makes us want to get up a move!

We sat down with Danielle to get to know her a little better and understand why (and how!) she believes in creating a healthy haven for at-home workouts.

Let’s start with your own health story – what has it been like?

I grew up as a multi-sport athlete and played a variety of sports through the years so I think fitness is just something that I’ve always been passionate about. After sustaining an injury in college though, I knew my athletic career was over. I had to get creative and figure out what I really wanted to do and how to move on without sports being a part of my daily life. In doing so, I found a career I’m so passionate about as a personal trainer and health & wellness expert.

Fast forward 10 years and I’m still doing it! I recently launched my first online training programs called the Kick-Ass Training Guides. My goal was to be able to reach more people than just those I train in Los Angeles. I’m creating workouts for people to do on the go, with little to no equipment. The workouts are tough but so convenient! And who doesn’t like feeling like a total badass when they workout, especially if that is a home workout? I’m always on the go and traveling so I needed something I could do from hotel gyms or outdoor parks, etc. My goal is to just continue sharing my health/wellness journey and inspire people to move their bodies!

Danielle Pascente with resistance bands for home workout

What has been the biggest challenge turned lesson you’ve learned along the way?

I think one of my biggest challenges is being able to stand out in an oversaturated market. Something I’m sure you guys can relate to – but yet – you are doing it and CRUSHING IT! (Gahhh – thanks, girl!)

The biggest lesson and how I’ve grown most is by using my authentic voice. I finally figured out that connecting with my audience was key. And the easiest way to do that is by just being myself and sharing the journey (ups, downs, etc). I stopped caring about what others thought and just went with it. It’s always rewarding to see how people have transformed using the programs or just read an Instagram post that really resonated with them. There’s nothing better than receiving a message that I’ve had a positive impact on someone.

What made you fall in love with personal training?

Honestly, the connection with my clients and being able to have a hand in transforming their life or creating positive changes in their lives. Now that I’m mainly online-focused with my training programs, it’s been super fun to reach a larger audience. It’s also fun to know that opportunities are endless. We can keep creating different programs and growing/listening to customer feedback to try to make workout programs they really love!

What is your number one piece of advice for people trying to develop a better home workout routine?

I think getting a few basic pieces of equipment helps and will transform your home workout sessions. Sometimes it’s hard to “get in the zone” at home but creating a workout corner of sorts has definitely helped me and many of my clients LOVE their home workout days. I have a few resistance bands, free weights, yoga mat, jump rope, and a block or bench. There are so many things you can do with those alone that your workouts will constantly be varied. Also, just be mindful of the space. Keep it bright and inspiring. Put it in a place or room that doesn’t stress you out.

What is your must-do self-care practice that helps you stay balanced with your busy schedule?

Definitely getting my workouts in. If I’m consistent with that, everything else falls into place. I travel a lot too so sometimes it’s hard to find a rhythm, but when I carve out time and actually schedule all my workouts I feel much better! Workouts just set the tone for my day. They help me make better decisions (food wise) throughout the day and recharge my mind and body!

And finally, what is your favorite Perfect Bar?

Oh, this is a tough one! So hard to pick just one. It’s a tie between Coconut Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter!