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Black Lives Matter: Solidarity and Action

Posted by Team Editorial Perfect Snacks on

To our Perfect Snacks family,

This past week, the country has witnessed an activated spirit unlike anything we’ve seen in our lifetimes. Galvanized to unite, the Nation has rallied, peacefully protested and stood up to racial injustices and police brutality in harmony to say, “No more.”

We stand in solidarity with this fight. Like many other companies and individuals, we have witnessed the collective rage and have been shaken to the core of our organization to take action. We recognize that violence against the Black community is not new; that centuries of systemic racism has built a system where the killing of George Floyd, Breonna Talyor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, and so many more not only happen but persist. This has to end. And we have the ability to help.

We cannot pride ourselves on family if we do not champion for Black families.

We cannot stand for the empowerment of women if we do not specifically advocate for Black women.

We cannot condemn racism if we are not committed to anti-racism ourselves.

We have chosen to be quiet this past week to allow space for Black voices of the online community to be heard and so as to not enter the conversation in performative allyship or reactivity. During this time, we have taken a hard look at our company, learned from the leaders of the moment, and roused internal change starting with immediate action and building a long-term plan for diversity, equity and inclusion within Perfect Snacks.

Starting today, we will:

1. Make a Monetary Donation

We are donating to the following organizations to show our immediate support of the Black Lives Matter movement and help fight for racial justice and equality.

  1. NAACP Legal Defense Fund
  2. Black Lives Matter

2. Hire a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Consultant

We know we need help to get this right. We have already begun discussions with an expert to guide us toward incorporating practices into our business that lay the foundation for a culture that values diversity, equity, and inclusion.

3. Form a Social Justice and Diversity Committee

The passion and participation of the Perfect Snacks employees in the national movement this week has been humbling. Giving them a platform within the organization to lead their peers will not only broaden our education internally but empower from within for true change. This committee’s sole purpose will be to strategize and implement efforts around social justice and diversity both in-house and in the community.

4. Grant Employees a Day to Educate and Absorb Resources

Friday, June 12th will be a paid day given to all Perfect Snacks employees to dedicate time toward learning and unlearning about racial justice and unconscious biases.

5. Encourage Voting with Employee Policy

Perfect Snacks employees are given two hours any day they’d like to cast their vote for local, regional or national elections. We’re reminding our employees of this policy, as voting is the power we all have to invoke change.

We humbly understand that the work is just getting started and that these steps are only the beginning. We believe that building the future we wish to see starts at home.

Thank you for entrusting us with your family. We vow to you, our fans, to be better.

More to come. Until then, stay well.

Bill and Leigh Keith, Perfect Snacks Co-Founders